Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Back in the saddle!

Picking up my notebook and writing my 1000 words was really hard this morning. I avoided and procastinated, until I couldn't put it off any longer.

I wrote rubbish, no doubt of that, but the engine is clearing and hopefully good things will come, eventually.

The thought of how hard it is going to be is so much worse than the reality of just sitting down and getting on with it. But I think that ploughing on with it, even when you would far rather be doing something else, is what it takes to get a novel written, even a novel of dubious literary merit, such as mine.


optional said...

Hi Claire, Being a full-time mum also with the ambition of novel writing I am following your blog to compare notes. You've just given me the push I needed to write a set amount daily even in the absence of inspiration - never mind the quality, look at the word count :D
And hey, I know it's hard for us women to resist self-depreciation but don't start out with the idea that your writing isn't good enough...write a novel you believe is good and don't be afraid to say so!

claires inner world said...

Hi Anna-Marie. Thanks for your comment. I'm glad you're finding the blog useful! It isn't easy, is it?! I think at least initially, letting go of this idea about quality and just focusing on getting the words down on paper can be quite liberating. It means you've always got something to work with. And I think the more you exercise the writing muscle, the stronger it gets...! And thanks for the encouragement. Must learn not to always do myself down!

optional said...

Right! Now for todays 1000 words...

claires inner world said...

I've done mine!