Thursday, 29 May 2008

Forgive me, for I have sinned....

This is my first post since 15th May.

Where does the time go?? I can't believe it is that long since I have written my blog! So, what have I been doing? Well, mostly working on my End of Course Assessment (ECA) for the OU Creative Writing course. It's due in next week, so realistically I have to get it done by the weekend. I asked my tutor what she thought I ought to do, and she recommended I do two short pieces - one life-writing and one fiction. Needless to say, I have completely ignored that advice and written the opening of a novel....

And now I know why she advised me to do the two short pieces. It's just so hard! It is a completely different skill than creating a complete story, as you have to 'set up' the story for the telling in the course of the novel. You kind of think before you start, 'How hard can it be? I've read enough books. It's just a bit longer, that's all. This should be fine...' But no.

And this is all a bit of a worry, as I've only written a Prologue so far....

Perhaps I will post some chapters up here for comments, as it comes along. Depends on the mark from the ECA!

So wish me luck. Will have much more time for blogging from next week on....


30 jours et 30 nuits said...

Good luck with your final assessment!

I've been reading the text you've posted before, it was really good.

Don't forget to put as much images to the words you mean, this way you can save lots of words to describe what you really mean.

Let's rock ! ;-)

claires inner world said...

Thanks for your support and advice! Will post up some more work soon. Hope all's good with you, my dear!
C :)