Thursday, 25 September 2008

The wanderer returns...!!

We have found Oscar this afternoon! Someone had been keeping him and finally called the Dog Warden when they saw one of my posters...! He has been very well looked after and I am so grateful to the lady who took him in. Apparently the person who found the dog left their name and number with the police at the weekend, but when the Dog Warden called the police on Monday, those details weren't passed on...Typical really, I suppose! There is a real problem with this gap in provision for lost/stray dogs, and the police really aren't helping. Members of the public are still not aware that the police don't deal with dogs, and so their first port of call naturally is the police. There ought to be at the very least some more co-ordinated effort to pass on information received from the public to the Dog Warden.
Our other dog was overjoyed to see his friend - so much so that he had to be put out in the garden to calm down a bit!


30 jours et 30 nuits said...

Youppi !!! ;-)

John said...

Result! I feared the worst, but it was the best.

Lola said...

Good news!

Jo Beaufoix said...

So glad Oscar is back. I'm over from Belle's a little late. It must be such a relief. He looks like a real sweetie.

claires inner world said...

Thanks everyone - it's real joy to have him back - it was a saga on which I will blog soon....!