Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Fed up...

It's official. I'm fed up. The kids are fed up. We're all fed up.

It's half term and Small Son has chicken pox and I'm waiting irritably for Dear Daughter to take her turn. We can't go anywhere as people look at Small Son like he's got the Plague. So we're all at home getting on each others' nerves...
The kids are driving me insane this week by being obsessed with blowing raspberries, and seeing who can talk for longest using the words, 'wee', 'poo', 'bum', 'pooper', 'farting pants' etc etc.
I'm sure there must have been a time when I would have found that funny too, but by god it feels like it was a long while ago...

My kids are making me feel ancient - like some grumpy old misery, obsessed with table manners and politeness. I've lost my sense of humour today! I'm sure I didn't intend to turn into my mother, but I think it's happening. (That sounds like my mother is a grumpy old misery, which she isn't at all. But I remember wishing sometimes when I was a kid that she would just 'lighten up' a bit. Now she's as light as a feather and positively encourages my kids in their craziness - just as all good grandparents should...)

Anyway, both kids had been on the 'naughty step' by 9 am this morning. I think that must be a record.


30 jours et 30 nuits said...

Damn... What a bad hair day...

I suggest you re-write this text completely as the opposite of everthing you've written.

Then take a few steps back and look at the both texts.

Which one gives you more energy? ;-)

claires inner world said...

Hello J!

You're right as usual, but just wait until you have kids, and then we'll talk about energy...;-)

All fine though - just venting - isn't that what blogs are for...?


John said...

We all tend to turn into our parents claire. But kids are fun most of the time, nes pas? Just bloody exhausting.

Ladybird World Mother said...

Chicken pox is just awful. Not the spots or the scratching or the crying and no one sleeping as they are too itchy. No, its the isolation and the 'sorry cant come out today for the third week in a row as we have chicken pox' HELL.
Now, what to do.... clean out your drawers. No, not those ones. Kitchen drawers, that annoying one that never gets cleared out. Do your christmas cards and buy all your christmas presents online. Then in december you can have all that free time when everyone else is fed up. Cool, eh!
God, I must pack. Off on holiday and keep getting distracted. Just had to give you some moral support as Someone Who Knows.

claires inner world said...

Ernest - the kids are great - it's just all the admin that comes with them that is a pain in the butt...! Thanks for stopping by again!

Ladybird world mum - You are SO right - it's half term here and we've had to decline so many invitations to do fun things...! Oh well, at least it's over and done with now... thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment..