Friday, 17 October 2008

The Pox...

It's official. Paint a red cross on our front door. We have The Chicken Pox. Or rather Small Son does. A couple of itchy spots on Wednesday night have now developed into a whole body coverage (and I mean whole) of nasty red itchy pustules.. I would post a photo, but it would put you off your dinner.

He 's not really that ill, just very, very grumpy and itchy and fed up. No-one has slept very well the last couple of nights, but at least his night-time wanderings are justified at the moment, unlike his recent activities..

And I keep scratching. I've had chicken pox and so I hope I'm just coming out in sympathy, what with being chronically sleep-deprived and all, but knowing my luck, I'll get it again.

I'm just waiting for Dear Daughter to get it now...


John said...

my good grief, that takes me back. i had something pink put on my itches, which then dried to a form a flakey crust - the pink stuff not the itches. i wonder what it was.

claires inner world said...

I think you're referring to calamine lotion... Doesn't do a thing - just turns everything pink.